Questionário de avaliação do risco de diabetes tipo 2
Age is a non-modifiable risk factor. Subjects younger than 45 years of age are at very low risk of developing diabetes, while the risk increases significantly after 45: in Italy, at least one person in 10 who is older than 45 years has or is at high risk of developing diabetes. It is possible to modify other risk factors and prevent type 2 diabetes at any age.
It is important to eat fruits or vegetables with each meal, or, at least, one serving per day. In addition to having essential vitamins and mineral salts, fruits and vegetables also contain precious fibers.
The risk of developing diabetes is very high in subjects with previous high glucose readings or a previous diagnosis of gestational diabetes. It is necessary to discuss this issue with your Physician and monitor your glucose levels again. Even if results are normal (less than 100 mg/dL), glucose must be checked every two years. If your glucose was never checked, discuss with your Physician whether it is appropriate to begin monitoring.
The Body Mass Index is an easy measure to determine whether a subject’s body weight is adequate to his/her height. It is calculated by dividing twice one’s weight in kilograms by height in meters. For instance: if the weight is 83.4 kg and the height is 1.70 meters (170 centimeters), we must divide 83.4÷1.70=49.06; the result must be again divided by the height: 49.06÷1.70=28.86. The BMI is 28.86. A BMI between 20 and 25 is normal; values between 25 and 30 indicate that the subject is overweight, while more than 30 is in the obesity range! These suggestions are applicable to most people. It is important to keep your weight adequate. Changes to your calorie intake coupled with small lifestyle adjustments are necessary to reach and preserve an adequate nutritional status. It is essential to consult professionals with proven experience.
Regular physical activity is essential for optimal health, as well as to prevent and manage diabetes as best as possible. It is not necessary to go to a gym or follow a particular work-out routine: what matters is to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, in a manner that is adequate to your age and body. It is essential to consult professionals with proven experience.
If your answer is “Yes”, monitor your blood pressure regularly. To the extent possible, your diastolic pressure must be lower than 85 and your systolic pressure lower than 130. It is essential to consult professionals with proven experience: first and foremost, a General Practitioner. If your answer is “No”, but you are older than 45 years of age or have a family history of hypertension, you need to monitor your blood pressure at least once every two years.
If nobody in your family has diabetes, your risk is low; however, it is always good to check your health periodically. Often, diabetes is ignored or given little consideration. If, on the other hand, members of your family have diabetes, your risk increases. However, this does not mean that diabetes is inevitable for you: indeed, Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented or kept under control.
Excessive abdominal fat is dangerous. To lose weight would certainly help; regular exercise for at least 30 minutes per day may improve your waist circumference.